How Hosting Travelers Has Enriched My Life

A few years ago I rented a house that has an extra bedroom.  Shortly after my girlfriend and I moved in, we discovered two platforms that have literally changed our lives in more ways than we can count: Couchsurfing, and Airbnb. They are both similar, in that they connect hosts with travelers, but also offer completely different experiences that are both very worthwhile.

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Five Reasons To Restore Your Foreskin {And why circumcision is bullsh*t}

I'm sure you 98% of you will read this title and think to yourself "...Um...What?!"  Especially if you're a red-blooded American male.  I personally fall right into this category myself.  I'm an American male, I was circumcised at birth, and the first time I heard the notion of foreskin restoration I thought it was some kind of joke.  Like, why would anyone want their damn foreskin restored, aren't they removed for a reason?  And also, what the fuck even is a foreskin really?  I mean, I've gone through my whole life with my circumcised penis and it works just fine.  

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How to Have a Radically Honest Relationship

A more “mainstream” title for my partner and I could be “polyamorous” or “in an open relationship”, in all honesty -- we don't resonate with any of those titles anymore. We've started saying "relationship anarchists" or simply just "none of your business". It seems putting a label on something only serves to encourage other people to pre-judge and decide they already know who you are without actually getting to know you. 

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