Posts tagged relationships
Let's stop with these bullshit declarations of what love can be

I wrote my own motherfucking ideas about what love is because this is what I know to be true. That is what I want other's to know is possible for them. That love is cuddles and rainbows and that if you're regularly giving each other the silent treatment and hurting each other's feelings and accepting this as the norm simply because you're in a long term doesn't have to be like that.


#sex #love #relationships #intimacy #realityrehab

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Five Reasons To Restore Your Foreskin {And why circumcision is bullsh*t}

I'm sure you 98% of you will read this title and think to yourself "...Um...What?!"  Especially if you're a red-blooded American male.  I personally fall right into this category myself.  I'm an American male, I was circumcised at birth, and the first time I heard the notion of foreskin restoration I thought it was some kind of joke.  Like, why would anyone want their damn foreskin restored, aren't they removed for a reason?  And also, what the fuck even is a foreskin really?  I mean, I've gone through my whole life with my circumcised penis and it works just fine.  

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How to Have a Radically Honest Relationship

A more “mainstream” title for my partner and I could be “polyamorous” or “in an open relationship”, in all honesty -- we don't resonate with any of those titles anymore. We've started saying "relationship anarchists" or simply just "none of your business". It seems putting a label on something only serves to encourage other people to pre-judge and decide they already know who you are without actually getting to know you. 

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