2015, a Review: The Year of Nudity & Donuts

I always say I'm going to send out Christmas cards and then I never do. I did the same thing again this year. And I'm always like - oh I'm going to do one of those adorable "highlights of our year" newsletter type deals. And I never do. 

Except this year I DID. And here it is. 

After reviewing 2015 there seemed to be a very clear theme: nudity and donuts. 

Also - 2015 continued to be a testament to the silly notion of "planning" or setting goals or pretending that we really know anything about what's next. Most of the things that happened this year were totally unplanned. We didn't plan on launching two of our own websites. We didn't plan on offering web design services to people. We didn't plan our Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Years and they were all the best ever. I certainly didn't plan on taking up drawing. 

We started by hosting the most adorable couple ever in January, Marie and Mathias from Germany. Marie was pregnant and she connected with our neighborhood friend and midwife, Jamie. 

Later in January we hosted Will (the dude on the right) - he teaches English in South Korea. He also loves food, so we took him to the Food-Network-Famous-Downtown-Diner: Matt's Big Breakfast, and our friend Obi (who we met a couple of years ago thru Airbnb) was in town for my birthday so he came with. 

For my 30th birthday in January we rented out Eden Hot Springs and invited 20 of our closest friends. 

2015, a Review: The Year of Nudity & Donuts | Cock & Crow #2015 #review #newsletter #nudity #donuts

In February we rented our whole house on Airbnb for the Superbowl so we had to find somewhere to go. We found cheap plane tickets and open arms in Worcester where we stayed with our dear friends Marissa and Anthony for a few days. We flew in and out perfectly in between 2 gigantic snow storms. 

In March we hosted a shit ton of people and they were all super amazing, including these adorable girls from the UK: Hannah, Lily and Ellie. Shortly after this photo was taken they boarded that VW bus piloted by a super hot cowboy they were ride sharing with to Texas. 

We also hosted two separate groups at the same time: on the left are David and Olivia from Sweden and on the right are Jasmine and Johnny (Antonio was taking the photo).  The two groups ended up also becoming friends and ended up travelling together for a couple of days after they stayed with us. 

In April Kris' parents and grandparents came to stay with us for a couple of days and we went to Taliesin West, among other spots. 

2015, a Review: The Year of Nudity & Donuts | Cock & Crow #2015 #review #newsletter #nudity #donuts

2015 was the year of creativity. Last summer spent in Europe, where we "became" writers, continued to influence our daily reality. We also honed our web design skills and launched ourselves an awesome website in April: Cock & Crow. It combined what was previously two individual websites that we each maintained. And in May we finally finished and published our travel book!

In June we subletted our house and started a road trip up the west coast, first stopping at our friend Justin's in San Jose where we came across a cupcake shop featured on Cupcake Wars: Kara's Bakery. 

2015, a Review: The Year of Nudity & Donuts | Cock & Crow #2015 #review #newsletter #nudity #donuts

From San Jose we went to Crescent City, and then to Bullard Beach in Oregon to camp for a week where we saw the most amazing sunset of our entire lives. 

2015, a Review: The Year of Nudity & Donuts | Cock & Crow #2015 #review #newsletter #nudity #donuts

Then we went to Portland and stayed with my sister and her adorable boyfriend for two weeks. We all participated in the World Naked Bike Ride, which was one of the coolest things either of us has ever done - riding naked on a police sanctioned route through the busy streets of Portland with about 15,000 other naked people. I adorned my sister with this beautiful art piece. 

2015, a Review: The Year of Nudity & Donuts | Cock & Crow #2015 #review #newsletter #nudity #donuts

Then we went to Sequim for Kris' every-five-years family reunion. Here is with his sister, Kelly, and their cousins. 

2015, a Review: The Year of Nudity & Donuts | Cock & Crow #2015 #review #newsletter #nudity #donuts

Then we met up with Tony for one magical hour in Seattle before he headed to Peru and we headed to Boise to see Kris' dad, brother, and step-mom. 

2015, a Review: The Year of Nudity & Donuts | Cock & Crow #2015 #review #newsletter #nudity #donuts

Upon arriving home in late July, we quickly resumed hosting again by inviting these super smokin hot Italian boys. That did not suck. 

2015, a Review: The Year of Nudity & Donuts | Cock & Crow #2015 #review #newsletter #nudity #donuts

I took up sketching. Please enjoy this pencil drawn delight of a naked woman. With an accidentally detachable vagina. 

2015, a Review: The Year of Nudity & Donuts | Cock & Crow #2015 #review #newsletter #nudity #donuts

Also around this time we created the website Postpartum Confession and it continues to grow every day. And then Welcome Chicken + Donuts turned one year old. This is a huge deal. 

2015, a Review: The Year of Nudity & Donuts | Cock & Crow #2015 #review #newsletter #nudity #donuts

Here we are pictured during one of our many day trips to Eden Hot Springs. 

2015, a Review: The Year of Nudity & Donuts | Cock & Crow #2015 #review #newsletter #nudity #donuts

In the fall we hosted a pap party at our house where we did a public pap demo to educate others on the wonders of women's health. 

2015, a Review: The Year of Nudity & Donuts | Cock & Crow #2015 #review #newsletter #nudity #donuts

Here you see us dressed up on a rare occasion, in borrowed clothes, to go to a 20's themed birthday party. 

2015, a Review: The Year of Nudity & Donuts | Cock & Crow #2015 #review #newsletter #nudity #donuts

Thanksgiving was spent at Denise's cafe in Prescott Valley. The cafe was closed, but she invited a bunch of her friends and family over and cooked a glorious feast for everyone. 

2015, a Review: The Year of Nudity & Donuts | Cock & Crow #2015 #review #newsletter #nudity #donuts

In December we hosted our annual Christmas Party for Vulgar and Indecent People. Pictured here are the entrants of the ugly sweater contest. 

2015, a Review: The Year of Nudity & Donuts | Cock & Crow #2015 #review #newsletter #nudity #donuts

My sister and her adorable boyfriend visited Phoenix for a couple of weeks in December and here we all are posed in front of the Biltmore's Christmas tree. 

2015, a Review: The Year of Nudity & Donuts | Cock & Crow #2015 #review #newsletter #nudity #donuts

And then the annual Yule Tea with with Shell and Rachel. We didn't hate it. 

2015, a Review: The Year of Nudity & Donuts | Cock & Crow #2015 #review #newsletter #nudity #donuts

We're ending the year up at friends beautiful house with red rock views in Sedona where we're cooking, listening to the Miles Davis Pandora station, and taking baths. 

Cheers to 2016!