Up at the Ass Crack of Dawn: Copenhagen > Stockholm > Germany {2013}

Day 24, October 1st

This morning we got up ass early and left the darling Danish boys house in Copenhagen to catch our train for Stockholm. The dollar is so weak here - we got breakfast at McDonalds in the station and it cost the equivalent of $14. Crazy, right?

Our train was super swank. It looked like a train car out of an IKEA catalog. Even the bathroom was super nice. The ride over was beautiful:


We went to our couchsurfing host Sarah’s house to drop off our bags — she had stayed with us in Phoenix through couchsurfing a while back — and her place was so cute:

Stockholm+2013 (1).jpg

Then we went into town to go to a tea salon that we read about in a magazine. It is located within a super swanky interior design shop called Svenskt Tenn. I fucking loved it. And it was one of the best afternoon teas we've ever had. On the bottom was dark rye toast topped with mayo, shrimp, hard boiled egg, fennel and lemon juice. That was one of the best things ever. In the middle were two hot out of the oven scones with lemon curd. And on top were three petit fours: dark chocolate & ginger, pistachio, and ginger merengue. And thanks to our weak ass dollar, it was only $72!

Stockholm+2013 (2).jpg

Afterwards we walked around Stockholm and it was one of the most beautiful cities we've seen. We were so glad to have come there since Stockholm had been a super last minute add on. We were just enchanted walking around. Later that night we headed home and hung out with Sarah, and had the best time ever. She is super fantastic and was so helpful. She even slept on the couch and gave us her bed, but it was a studio so we were all in the same room anyway and it was like a fun slumber party.

Day 25, October 2nd

Today we got up at the ass fucking crack of dawn. The sun wasn't even up. Sarah was so cool and got up and helped us figure out the bus - she even gave us her public transport card so we wouldn’t have to mess with it. She’s the best. We said goodbye to her, bundled up, and walked down to the bus stop to head to the airport. Look at my boo in the early morning time:

Stockholm 2013

The flight was easy, and it was so nice to arrive in Germany with a friend to pick us up from the airport and not have to figure out a bus or a train or directions or anything. We were staying with Kris’ friend, Olaf, and his wife, Janina, and their two daughters. I had never met them before, but they were instant friends. Some of the nicest, warmest people you’d ever want to meet.

We made the two hour trek back to their house and it was a really nice drive, though I slept most of the way. The house was just beautiful. Totally modern, tons of natural light and earthy tones. So incredibly cozy and homey:

Shortly after we arrived, Janina went and got their two young daughters - blonde haired adorable little German girls. We all sat at their huge wood table outside and had lunch together.

Later on we took a walk from their house through the forest. It was so beautiful:

Germany 2013

Then we walked by their daughter's preschool:

Germany 2013

That's the preschool. The woods, basically. They just play outside all day and they have snacks in that little circle of wood benches. They only go inside that container building if it's extreme weather. But even if it's raining or snowing - they just put on their outdoor gear and keep playing. The youngest daughter showed me the pee tree where the little girls pee - they have a piece of fabric tied around it so you grab one of the fabric handles and just sort of squat and pee. How cute is that? Also, there are no toys at the Kindergarten. Like, at all. They just play outside and play with what the find in the woods. I think this is all so fantastic. Makes for beautiful, imaginative, playful children.

The girls were just young enough that the 100% language barrier didn't matter. We all guested and pointed and even played a board game together that didn't require words. It was so fun and they are both super adorable.

That night we gathered at their big table again and had a little buffet for dinner of bread, cheese, sausage, pickled beets, sliced veggies and other fun fixins. After the girls went to bed, the four of us stayed up talking and drinking wine in candlelight, keeping warm in their beautiful living room in front of their wood burning stove.