How to Self-Publish Your E-book to the Amazon Kindle Store: A Step-by-Step Guide
Self-publishing is little more than uploading a properly formatted word document + a book cover. You set the price (you get 70% of the sale price), set up how you want to be paid, and Amazon does the rest. It's a brilliant, user-friendly system.
In this video I'll take you through uploading a book, step-by-step.
If you have additional questions, feel free to contact me. You can also check out my services (web design, technology coaching, etc) and explore working together!
I'm planning a future video for self-publishing a hard copy version, so stay tuned! You can sign up for my Monthly Missive below to keep up on my latest offerings.
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Episode Resources: Get the free kindle app, Get a free copy of "Building Your Book For Kindle"