Episode Two: Adventures in Hosting Travelers

People often ask, “You host strangers? In your home? Do you lock up your valuables??”

My response is always, “Yes. Yes. And of course not!”

There are lots of misconceptions and fear based reactions to hosting travelers, and nearly everyone asks the same questions. If you're new to the concept of hosting travelers, check out my blog series below.

Another common question is inquires into the types of people that we host, and the certain kinds of people that want to stay in a strangers home to begin with. We've had everyone from two college kids in town for a conference to a dude who missed his flight to an Aussie on a giant road trip to an Asian girl traveling the country alone who washed her hello kitty underwear in our sink and then hung them to dry on our lamp shade. 

Related - Kris' fantastic blog post: How Hosting Travelers has Enriched my Life

So kick back and listen to the highlights of the people we hosted in the first quarter of 2015 - you'll have a laugh, and by the end - you'll understand why we do it :)

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