Making placenta art is one of my main creative outlets. 2010 was the start of my obsession with placentas, and I continue to remain in awe of them - every single person on this planet is alive because of their placenta. My mission is to dissolve the stigma surrounding this fascinating organ, and encourage each family to honor their baby's placenta in some way. To learn more about placentas, or if you're in the Phoenix area and would like me to craft your placenta - visit here.
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Benefits of Placenta Consumption
- Balances your system
Replenishes depleted iron
Gives you more energy
Lessens postpartum bleeding
Contains your own natural hormones
Perfectly made by you, for you
Has been shown to increase milk production
Helps you to have a happier postpartum period by equalizing the quickly reduced hormonal state of your physical body
Helps to hasten the return of your uterus to its pre-pregnancy state through the oxytocin contained in your encapsulated placenta.
Can also be helpful during your monthly cycle, menopause, for general mood swings, periods of major life transition, etc. if properly stored for later use.
Did you know that, other than camels, humans are the only mammal that doesn’t consume their placenta?
A widely noted benefit of placenta consumption is how it helps with postpartum depression, or prevents it all together.The placenta has very high levels of some vitamins, such as B6. This is the one that helps out with postpartum depression. The mother can reclaim these vitamins by ingesting her placenta.During pregnancy, the placenta takes over making CRH, a corticotrophin-releasing hormone, normally secreted by the hypothalamus, and well-known to be a stress reducer. During the last trimester of pregnancy, the placenta secretes the highest levels of CRH, also pouring great quantities into the mother’s bloodstream. With so much CRH being produced by the placenta, the hypothalamus actually shuts down its production. After the delivery of the placenta, the mother is sort of going “cold turkey” as the placenta is expelled in an instant. Now the hypothalamus has to compensate for the now low levels of CRH and begin secreting CRH again on its own again. This does not always happen easily or immediately, which results in the mother having much lower than average levels of CRH, thus triggering depression. A reasonable explanation for postpartum depression and an obvious but overlooked solution.