A little more about us....
KATIE: Once upon a time I was married, had a corporate job and lived a typical American life - watched a lot of T.V., drank a lot of alcohol, ate a lot of take-out, and had lots of surface relationships. I was unhappy, unhealthy and too busy to notice. Then bam! I had a powerful dream that prompted me quit my job, end my marriage, travel solo, get healthy, and crumble all elements of my disconnected mainstream life.
KRIS: Five years ago I owned an I.T. company that made over a million dollars in revenue the first year. I was overweight, taking daily medications just to function, working 70+ hours a week and was drowning in my monthly overhead. Then I had to get real. I short sold my condo, walked away from my business, and got healthy. Now I spend my days doing what I want, exploring my passions, and making money while I'm at it.